Yesterday on the USS Potomac – F.D.R.’s “Floating White House”

What a treat!

Valerie got tickets from a co-worker for a city lights cruise on the USS Potomac from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  We enjoyed every minute, and when the sun set it was quite a spectacle. It was followed by the city scape of San Francisco with lights everywhere, in all the buildings, and, of course, those marvelous bridges. And let us not forget the sky, and the crescent moon…

If I sound awestruck it is because that is how I felt.

We are so lucky to be able to enjoy all that Mother Nature and the San Francisco Bay have to offer, especially since the sun continues to shine on us every day.  The weather allowed us to enjoy this cruise, and Guido was happier than I have ever seen him recently.

As we commented afterwards, this was quite a treat. Now we have to wait until the big ships come out of hibernation (dry dock for maintenance) and we’ll be ready for more!

This was followed by dinner at a restaurant here in San Rafael. We are so lucky that our house is close to everything – downtown, doctors, restaurants.  And this one had the best food we’ve had in some time, as well as exceptionally good waiters. When I asked where they got the arugula, as it was so good, the Chef himself came to or table to tell me.  And Valerie and Creg were in stitches when they realized I was flirting with the Chef…(I had only one glass of wine, but he was so cute…)

All in all, it was a wonderful day, and I slept the sleep of the just, something that had not happened in some time.

Obviously, I need more of this, even though I was afraid I would not be able to endure so much. I did, and I am very happy about it!

From Facebook:

City Lights Cruise on the USS Potomac. (4 photos)
Martha Paley Francescato  It was awesome!!! The name of the boat, Potomac, is after the river, not our former neighborhood… And to think that it was now, today, 4 January 2014. Winter here is what I love! And then, we had dinner in a superb restaurant in San Rafael! Click on the photo to see the other three.

About martisima

After over 50 years of teaching literature to undergraduate and graduate students, I feel I have earned my retirement (it happened when I was 72, five years ago). I do miss the classroom, however, but not the meetings and all other requirements of the profession. I love teaching, and wish I could still do it. But now I read for pleasure, and watch films, and listen to all kinds of music (no TV, though). I love to travel, and hope I can resume doing it soon. I need to get over my health issues caused by thyroid surgery three years ago!
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5 Responses to Yesterday on the USS Potomac – F.D.R.’s “Floating White House”

  1. Alejandra Balestra says:

    Martha, me da muchísima alegría leer que hicieron este crucero para ver San Francisco. Nelson trabajó en San Francisco un año aproximadamente y disfrutaba mucho el viaje en Ferry cada mañana, para luego continuar en bicicleta hasta su oficina en E Trade, casi frente a la bahía, y es lindísimo ver SF desde el agua. Ahora lo que más me alegra es verlos felices disfrutando actividades con sus hijas. Un beso!

    • martisima says:

      Gracias, Alejandra!

      Cuando el tiempo ayuda, Valeria temabien va en bici desde la casa hasta el ferry y despues de nuevo en bici hasta su laburo.

      Disfrutamos mucho de todo esto – hermoso! Pero lo mejor es estar cerca de nuuestras hijas- la unica familia en este pais…


  2. Anna Amato says:

    I am thrilled for you all – I also love the idea of you flirting with the chef – flirting is a skill which must be continuosly honed!

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