Hello world!

My first post…  What do I want to say?  I don’t know. My daughter urged me to do this. Will it be easy?  I don’t know.  I’ll see if it helps!

About martisima

After over 50 years of teaching literature to undergraduate and graduate students, I feel I have earned my retirement (it happened when I was 72, five years ago). I do miss the classroom, however, but not the meetings and all other requirements of the profession. I love teaching, and wish I could still do it. But now I read for pleasure, and watch films, and listen to all kinds of music (no TV, though). I love to travel, and hope I can resume doing it soon. I need to get over my health issues caused by thyroid surgery three years ago!
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12 Responses to Hello world!

  1. martisima says:

    I did it on my own — changed the time!!!!

  2. Rafael says:

    Hi Martha, welcome to blogging! I think this is a better way to let the world know about how you and Guido are getting along. I like your choice of image– it suggests reflection and a seeker’s path.
    One small word of advice: don’t click on any blog responses that look suspicious. There are email phishing scams that try to use blog comments as a way of getting ahold of your email.

  3. Hi, nice blog theme! I’ll send you an example of what Rafael mentions, which I received the other day. Let me know if you have any questions about how to set up your blog. You can add or remove the things on the right side–see mine for an example of what you can have there: http://rfrancescato.wordpress.com/. And you can add more things than I have, too!

  4. martisima says:

    I think I am beginning to “get it” now…

  5. martisima says:

    How do I change the time to Eastern????

  6. martisima says:

    What happened? I had changed the time, but it didn’t work, it seems…

  7. What did you change the time to?

  8. martisima says:

    I changed it to 18:22, the time here.

  9. Valerie says:

    Looks nice! Anyone have any opinions of wordpress vs. blogger?

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